uniform function

英 [ˈjuːnɪfɔːm ˈfʌŋkʃn] 美 [ˈjuːnɪfɔːrm ˈfʌŋkʃn]

网络  齐一函数; 单值函数



  1. By using properties of scalar almost periodic function, properties of uniform almost periodic matrix function are discussed.
  2. Finally, out of uniform convergence of function and function of the nature of class.
  3. The finding implies that in the long run there does not exist any uniform aggregate production function across countries.
  4. The uniform differentiability of characteristic function and conditional characteristic function and reversion formula of conditional eigenfunction are obtained in this paper.
  5. Uniform Characterization of Function Spaces by Wavelets
  6. By analyzing the Euclidean distance function and its extension, the conception of the similarity in time series describing the relationship of similarity with a uniform similarity function and transformation function was proposed.
  7. Global convergence, local superlinear convergence, quadratic convergence and finite termination for nondegenerative linear complementarity problems are proved under the assumption that F is a uniform P& function.
  8. Design an information model building on the environment of the Expert System Grid. It constructs a hierachical and abstract information model that can provide a uniform resource information management function interface and views based on the knowledge database in the whole Grid.
  9. Using the analysis method of shrinkage and creep based on initial strain, This thesis fitted the shrink strain and the creep coefficient function with uniform exponential function model and find a way to get the recursion formulae of shrinkage and creep.
  10. Two Notes of the Uniform Continuity Function
  11. The method of calibrating the dynamic error model coefficients of a strapdown gyro using the uniform angular velocity function of three-axis turntable was introduced.
  12. The directive angle of normal acceleration is assumed to have uniform probability density function with variable mean in the interval of 2 π In order to be suitable for Track-While-Scan application it is assumed that only noisy position observation data of target are available.
  13. In this paper, some sufficient conditions for the global convergence of a class of non-quasi-Newton methods with the Goldstein line searching on the uniform convex object function are presented, and proved.
  14. The necessary and sufficient condition of the uniform continuity function in closed interval is given in the textbook of higher mathematics. In this paper, we give two necessary and sufficient conditions of the uniform continuity function in open interval and two properties.
  15. Based on the equal probability principle, the article deduces the most probability distribution function in a multimember system of the sub-independent particles and obtains the uniform distribution function.
  16. Attribute of Uniform Convergence of Function Sequence at Polynomial
  17. The access key file connects the analysis and evaluation tools of the system with a uniform function interface. The system is distinguished by the features of universal, problem-oriented, source reference and extendible.
  18. The IDC has a more uniform work function distribution than an oxide cathode.
  19. This method is global and superlinear convergent for the uniform convex function.
  20. It becomes fast, but shocks more times while minimum entropy theory is applied to the controller, where the probability of output is set to uniform distributed function.
  21. The consistency between life and ideals; Uniform Differentiability of a Function
  22. And then a Gauss sequence is formed out of uniform distribution by a function transforming method.
  23. The Application of MATLAB In Uniform Convergence of Function Sequence
  24. A Note of Discriminating Uniform Convergence of Function Sequence by Definition
  25. Combinated with actual circumstance for beam bridge. establish relative but uniform function and ultimate equation for a certain and disabled model Create a condition for calculating reliability.
  26. Then using uniform kernel function to describe the target model, which enhances target-occlusion ability.
  27. A uniform probability density function has been considered to formulate what I call as a Cluster model.
  28. We first design a uniform and efficient hash function PRH, based on the analysis of the uniformity indices of network bitstream operation results.
  29. On the basis of the compression zone of the drawing die shape design, a large number of simulated samples to optimize the design for the drawing die shape based on the drawing force and uniform wear objective function.
  30. Therefore, two algorithms are presented in this paper. The one is a modified unbiased estimation algorithm based on PN code, and the other is a estimation algorithm based on a new sequence whose correlation with PN code is an uniform function.